Texas Apostille Service is based in Austin, Texas.
We can process Apostilles and authentications for Texas state documents in both Texas. We specialize in the filing, processing, copying and retrieval of legal documents.
If you need a Texas - issued Apostille/Authentication, let us handle the process for you. You will save valuable time and energy.
We know some projects are urgent. If you need your certificate ASAP and don't have the time to wait the 3-4 weeks for the Texas Secretary of State to mail it to you, we can take your paperwork directly to that office for you. Our highly-trained and bonded personnel are happy to personally "walk through" process for you, present the proper paperwork and wait for your Apostille.
Upon completion of this process we will then deliver via overnight service the Apostille to you via FedEx, UPS or USPS.
As our Guarantee notes, when we have the certified Texas documents by 11 a.m. (Central) we will ship them the same day. No if's, and's or but's.
Other services:
Texas Public Utility Commission Filings, Texas Railroad Commission Filings, MUD Postings, Copy Jobs at all Regional Courts and Agencies, Mobile Notary